About Us

Being partnered with Humanists UK based in London, the Cardiff Humanist Group attempts to fulfil a need for personal contact etc for other Humanists, freethinkers, agnostics and other atheists, within
Cardiff and surrounding areas of South East Wales.

Founded in 1966, the Cardiff group is one of a large number of local Humanist groups across the UK that contribute to a grass roots foundation for a strong Humanist movement within the UK.

The group aims to encourage local atheists, agnostics, freethinkers etc to ‘come out’ as Humanists, and join the group, and/or Humanists UK and become part of a world wide movment.

Committee Members
  • Acting Chairperson- Andrew Trimby
  • Treasurer/Membership/Vice Chairperson- Rod Lawford
  • Secretary- Vacant
  • Website/Newsletter/Social Media- Andrew Trimby

Co-opted Exec Members

  • Bruce Harris Bentzman
Functions/aims of the group-
  • To encourage local like minds, who may not have heard of a positive non-religious life stance, to add their support to the worldwide Humanist movement. The movement also works to counter the commonly held institutionalised religious view that its impossible to be a decent person without holding religious beliefs….
  • To hold regular meetings providing an opportunity for Humanists to meet locally and also provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues that concern Humanists. Meetings are usually informal in nature and take the form of a presentation followed by discussion of a topical issue. Guest speakers are invited occasionally. Meetings are currently held at 7pm on the second Monday of every month. AGM is usually held on the second Monday of April.
  • Local information centre, for the dissemination of Humanist ideas in the community, seeking to establish Humanism as an attractive life stance or viewpoint.
  • To support the Humanists UK on a local level.